Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 more days until I draw a winner from the random number generator for the giveaway. 2 more days to get your entry in. You can win either the 6 FQs or the fabric kit and pattern for the Boo Kitty Handbag. Your choice. It is also 2 more days until the start of the Halloween season. (At least it is the start for us Halloween aficionados. You know who you are...you crazy people who decorate to the max, have more Halloween stuff than Christmas, dress up to hand out candy to the kids ( which is the highlight of my holiday) and give Halloween gifts to my friends. I usually have a Halloween party every year for my quilty girls. It is a small affair 6 or so. We don't dress in costume but we wear hats! I make "witches brew" and bottle it in appropriate bottles complete with spooky labels, we have frightful treats and eats, have ghoulish presents and generally have a wonderful time just having fun.
I did get my latest Halloween quilt done finally and it is itching to make it on my bed. Temperatures are still in the triple digits so actually using the quilt won't be necessary, but having it on my bed will make me smile. My husband is very tolerant of this quirky obsession of mine. He's very tolerant of the webs that cover things, crows that inhabit our house and the animated dolls and musical decorations that find their way out of the storage bin. He now enjoys Halloween like he never use to. Some years back he thought the whole thing was silly and for children. Now I have to fight him to hand out candy on Halloween.
Now for you Mom's that make your little darlings costumes, have you tried a ruffler foot? What a fun foot. If you love the look of ruffles on your little ones clothes- you can create that in a SNAP! Spruce up an off the rack outfit with a little bit of ruffle. How about putting a ruffle on the edge of your quilt instead of binding it? The simplest and most inexpensive way to liven up a room is to replace the throw pillows. Add a ruffle to a lamp shade in your bedroom for that romantic look. Make gifts for the holidays by embellishing tea towels with ruffles. Add a couple of napkins and you have a great hostess gift. You can also make pleats with the ruffler. It takes no time to learn how to use it and seriously you can make ruffles for the hem of a pair of jeans in less than 2 minutes! I am working on a tutorial on using the ruffler. So stay tuned. If you don't have one, check out your local machine dealer and get one for your machine. Well I am off to start the day and get as much done as I can. Remember 48 hours left for the giveaway!

Hugs to all


  1. Got a giggle from you Halloween Decorating comments. Timely, too, as I'm heading into the garage to get my decorations out!

    I wish so much my machine had a ruffler foot! My next sewing machine will!

  2. Staci, love your comments! You can have a ruffler foot. Rufflers are always sold separately.. all machine manufactures make and sell them for each specific machine. Some even come as "snap on" feet. Have fun decorating your house, I have to restrain my self from getting EVERYTHING out the first part of September! Hey us "Ghoulfriends" got to stick together!
